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ECOSOCK – Instant Drain Unblocking Powder From USA (0,5Kg)

ECOSOCK – Instant Drain Unblocking Powder From USA (0,5Kg)

EcoSock drain unblocking powder is an American super-fast drain cleaner, capable of strongly decomposing grease and clogged dirt after only 10 minutes of use.

345,000 đ
  • Strength : Strong heat generation
  • Mass : 500 gram
  • Type : Powder form
Product Description

EcoSock is an American super-fast drain chemical, produced on a modern line with an exclusive formula of compounds capable of strongly decomposing grease, fat and dirt stuck in the road tube only after 10 minutes of use.

Outstanding advantages of EcoSock: 

– Immediate removal of stagnation in pipes. Effective use is quick and convincing;

 – Removes grease and liquefied soap buildup that causes blockages.

– Easy to use, degradable compounds only act on clogging plaque without corroding and damaging pipes when handling;

 – There is no fire point, so there is no fire or explosion caused by heat generation when using;

 – Eliminates the source of unpleasant odors when pipes are blocked;

 – Saving cost

 – High efficiency. Is the perfect solution to replace traditional unclogging methods;

EcoSock is usually used in the case of:

Handling clogged sink

With the ability to quickly remove grease, food debris and organic waste, EcoSock is a great drain unclogging product, the perfect replacement for other toxic chemical unclogging products. How to unblock a clogged drain with EcoSock helps you save significant time, effort and money for unclogging.

Handling clogged drains due to grease, hair, organic waste, dirt, …

Not only grease, EcoSock’s powerful drain cleaner powder is also capable of quickly decomposing common wastes easily trapped in pipes such as hair loss, dirt, mud and soil, etc. ” cause congestion if accumulated for a long time.

Helps eliminate sewer odors

EcoSock is not a deodorant. However, clogged drains are one of the leading causes of your home being filled with sewer odors. Therefore, unclogging drains with EcoSock indirectly contributes to eliminating sewer odors accumulated due to long-standing stagnant garbage in the pipeline.

Kill worm eggs, insects, …

If you often see worms and other insects around the drain that is unhygienic, pour some EcoSock powder down the drain to clean worm eggs and other insects hiding in the pipe.

What to note when using EcoSock drain unclogging powder?

– Do not pour too much product in at the same time because the product is not activated in time, it will lead to the accumulation of scale in the pipeline causing waste. Ideally, pour a moderate amount gently, when the product decomposes, drain the water to check, if the drainage rate is not as desired, continue pouring. Repeating this will help you better control the dose and achieve the highest treatment efficiency.

 – Although not as dangerous as other chemicals, you should not be subjective. It is necessary to ensure minimal safety when using such as: wear gloves and masks to avoid inhaling toxic gases or chemicals splashing on people. Absolutely do not eat or swallow; do not let the drain powder get into the eyes; Keep out of reach of children and pets. After use, if there is still excess, please close the lid of the product container tightly and store it carefully in a dry place, avoiding direct sunlight.

 – In case the product is accidentally splashed on the body, it should be washed with cold water immediately. If the contact area shows signs of redness and itching, don’t worry, just wash and dry the burn and it will heal naturally.

